Music Ministries
“Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise.
The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through Music.”
~Martin Luther

ELC Adult Choir
Our ELC Adult choir sings about 3 Sundays a month, September through May.
They also sing for Christmas Eve Service and for Holy Week.
We welcome new members of the choir throughout the year.
Contact: Dave Gleason, Director, or just show up for a rehearsal.
Rehearsal: Wednesday evenings 7:15-8:15p.m.
Grace Notes
Our women’s a cappella group sings for worship services year round at ELC and sometimes at Life Care Center, or in the homes of our home-bound people.
Please call Peggy Fetchenhier (303-674-4759) if you are interested in singing.
Bluegrass Group
Our Bluegrass Group plays/sings for occasional services during the year and for special events. Contact Scott Zbryk (303-674-0824) for more information.
“GLORY RINGERS” Handbell Choir
The Glory Ringers play once a month for Sunday morning worship services during the school year and for special congregation events.
ELC’s Glory Ringers ring five octaves of Schulmerich handbells and four and one-half octaves of Suzuki handchimes. The Choir rehearses every Wednesday night, 6:00 – 7:00p.m. and rings once a month for Sunday worship services.
Please contact the director, Dave Gleason, for more information.
Instrumentalists and Special Music
We are blessed to have many people in our congregation who play a variety of instruments.
Sometimes they help accompany our choirs, or perform solos or small groups.
During the summer months, we have Special Music each week and invite people
to sing or play solos or small groups to bless our worship.
Please let Dave Gleason know if you are interested in doing either of these things.